I am Kenichi Maeda

Current undergraduate at University of Massachusetts Boston
working towoard a Bachelor of Science in computer science.

July 2022

Online Banking System

I implemented a simple online banking system using Python. You will be asked to sign in to access your account.
(I am still working on this program for further improvements).

July 2022


I implemented an app that displays the stock prices of GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft) using yfinance and streamlit.

June 2022

Boston Weather App

Implemented a python app that displays the current weather in Boston using tkinter. Utilized the OpenWatherMap API to get weather information (such as wind, humidity, detailed description, and pressure), and used the requests library to retrieve the API.

June 2022

MBTA Guide

This program displays the shortest route and time for a given two MBTA stations, achieved by converting all MBTA routes into an EdgeWeightedGraph and using the Dijkstra's Algorithm.